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91+ Hot Candle Company Names For Your Next Business

11 Sep 2023 49

A candle is a strong piece that is put together with wax, and which gives light as well as heat.

Candle producers are normally known as candlers. Candles are typically made from paraffin and gel candles are the ones that are made from plastic and paraffin.

Over the years, candles have evolved from a source of light to a source of fragrance as a decorative. This has resulted in a great increase in the demand for different candle types. As a result, many candle companies have forayed into the market for attracting customers.

If you are also looking to start your candle business, it is important to choose a fun and attractive name for your candle company. Here are some of the best ideas for naming your candle business.

91+ Hot Candle Company Names For Your Next Business

The Melted is a clever candle company name which means 'the candles are organically made from melted wax'.

Delicate Pink is a cute name for a candle company that refers to pink-colored delicate candles.

Brite Shine Lil Flickers is a fascinating candle business name.

Sweet Scented signifies a candle having a sweet and pleasant smell.

Fragrant Jewelsis a unique candle business name.

Alluring Candles refer to candles that are mysteriously attractive. It can be considered one of the creative names for a candle company.

Bright Spark Candles refer to the glimmer that a candle makes when it is lit. It is considered a creative name for a candle company.

Feather And Wax Candle Industry is an interesting candle business name.

Strange Aroma is an unusual, surprising, unavoidable, and generally charming or appetizing smell.

Light of Passion refers to permitting one’s enthusiasm.

Fragrance De Liteis a fantastic name for your candle business.

Moonlight Ambience refers to the charming, wistful, and heartfelt circumstance or atmosphere that a candle creates.

Candle In a Bottle is a catchy name for a candle company which means 'a candle stuffed in a bottle'.

Candle Glow refers to the glow of the candle while it is being lit.

Scents Candle Kai Cois a fun name for your candle business.

Little Lights refer to the candle’s flame that one causes to be lit while lighting candles. It is also considered a cute name for a candle company.

Magic Glow is considered a creative name for a candle company. It refers to the fire of the candle that is magical, rather extraordinary.

Happy Lights refer to the light that candles creates which is said to be holy and happy.

Flame Waxis a fun name for your candle business.

Hope's Mystic Scents is one of the unique candle business name ideas.

Perfect Candle Company, just by the name, we can figure out it is one of the perfect candles. It is also considered a cute name for a candle company.

Creative Candle Industry is one of the best candle company name ideas.

Candela Curls is also a catchy name for a candle company that describes the molten wax of the candles.

Candle Light means the same as what it says, 'the illumination and brightness of the candle light'.

Flame Candle Cois a great name for candles that makes a bright glow.

Flame Candle Cois a fun name for your candle business.

Heaven Scent Candle Couture is an interesting candle business name.

Cuddly Candles, just by the name, one can figure out what it means, it refer to candles that have been given the adjective of cuddles. Thus, it is considered a cute candle company name.

Sensuous Smells can be referred to smells that are satisfying to people. The scent can also be called arousing.

Flickering Flame refers to the flame, fire of candles that flicker. It is also considered a catchy name for a candle company.

Candle Essentials refers to the essentialities of a candle that is to be kept and maintained.

Mystical Light refers to candles having profound importance or reality that is neither evident nor clear to any other person.

Yellow Mist refers to the yellow colour of the flame and the scent it leaves.

Flame Fantasticrefers to the same as it is written, it is the extraordinary flame, the fire of the candle.

Unique Candle Co is a fascinating candle business name

Citrus Blossom Soy Candlesis a truly interesting candle company name.

Great Bear Wax Cois one of the best candle company name ideas.

Pretty Glow refers to the glow of the candle which is seen to be pretty. It is as well considered a cute name for a candle company.

Warm Flame Candles refer to the candles having warmth in their flame.

Yankee Candlesis a fascinating candle business name.

Candles R Usis an interesting candle business name.

Earth Light Organics refers to the wax which is organically made of earth. It is considered a creative name for a candle company.

Aroma is a distinct and typically pleasant smell that can be referred to as a cute name for a candle company.

Earth Gifts Candle Placeis a fun name for your candle business.

White Barnis a fascinating candle business name

Clear Light means just what it says, the light of the candle is clear.

Mystic Candle Company is also considered a cute name for a candle company which means mysterious candles.

Pledged To Fragrance is considered a creative name that means 'to take an oath towards the scent of the candl.

Bridgewater Candlesis an interesting candle business name.

Snuggle With Warmth is also a cute name for a candle company which means to snuggle in the aura rather than the warmth of candles.

Mia Bella Candlesis a fun name for your candle business.

Style Scents refers to the scents that are represented in a style. Can be considered a catchy name for a candle company.

Fired Upis a clever name for a candle company that refers to the fire of a candle.

Scent Up is a clever name for the candle company that means 'to level up the scent of the candle'.

Cosmic Scents refer to the 'scent or fragrances' which are out of the earth’s imagination.

Enchanting Candle Company is a creative candle company name that refers to the captivating scent of the candle.

The Smell Of Love is considered a cute name for a candle company which exactly means 'the fragrance of affection'.

Diamond Creek Colonial Candleis a truly fantastic name for your candle company.

Moon Mist refers to a yellowish dim that is redder and paler than sand and more blunt than normal.

Burning Scent of Love can also be considered a creative name for a unique candle company which means 'the fragrance is burnt out of love'.

Classic Candles is a catchy name for a candle company that means exactly what it says, 'basic and classic candles'.

Scented Kits refers to a candle kit essential, and can be addressed as a cute name for a candle company.

Candle Kingdom refers to exactly what it says, a realm of candles. It is considered a catchy name for a candle company.

Gold Canyon Candles Cois an interesting candle business name.

Candle Queens refers to the queens of candles, and can be one of the catchy names for candle companies.

Lavender Candles refer to lavender-scented candles and can be one of the cute names for a candle company.

Night Owl Candles means a candle that can be lit for long hours at night.

All For The Fragrance is also a creative name for a candle company which means 'to do everything just for the scent of candles'.

Urban Burnis a fun name for your candle business.

Fragrance Entrance can be considered a clever name which means 'the entrance for the scent'.

Natural Scents are for those scented candles which deliver a fresh and natural fragrance.

Wax Candle Cois a fascinating candle business name

Virginia Aromaticsis a great name for naming for candle company

Glow Candle Cois a fantastic name for your candle business.

Serenity Scents is considered one of the creative names which signify the scent of candles that are pleasant and calm.

Light of Love refers to the light that is created by the candle which is full of hearty pleasures.

Perfect For You is also a clever name for a candle company which means 'a perfect candle for the customer'.

Golden Flames refers to the golden light that a candle flickers.

Flame Game is referred to the fire of the candle that beautifully flickers and somehow seem to play games amongst itself.

Elixir Lamp refers to a candle being mystical, magical, and eccentric.

Cute Candle Cois one of the unique candle business name ideas.

Wax Wonders refers to the wax that causes wonders by creating candles.

Just Flame It is again a clever name for a candle company that refers to a candle being lit up.

Fragrance Forecast is the forecast of the scent that comes from candles.

Pink Cupcakeis an impressive candle business name.

Candle Stardom is also considered a cute name for a candle company since it basically refers to a candle being famous.

Urban Lightmodernizes the existence of the candle, by adding the word urban. It is also a clever name for a candle company.

Things That Make Scentsis one of the unique candle business name ideas.

Candles Quota refers to the allocation of candles. It can be considered a catchy name for a candle company.

Pure Light Candle Studios is a cute candle company name.

Scented Away signifies 'to perceive' or 'recognize' by smelling.

Lit Liferefers to the candle which is lit and will also ‘lit’ the life of the customer buying the candles. This is considered a clever candle company name.

Struck By Lightning is a clever name for a candle company, which refers to the lighting of a candle.

Captivating Candles refer to the candles that attract in mysterious ways through their aura.

Magic Candles is a cute name given to the company of candles, which refers to candles being magical.

Scented Strategy is the strategy of the fragrance from the candle.

Light the Way means to utilize light to show a way that must be followed.

Bright Glowis of the fun candle business name ideas.

Dreams Rainbows Candle Collectiveis a fantastic name for your candle business.

Candle Carversis a great candle business name.

Bright Lights Bullfrog Candlesis a fantastic name for your candle business.