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Famous People Named Zerah

Zerah son of Reuel, grandson of Esau, great,grandson of Issac (1 Chr. 1:37)
Zerah father of King Jobab of Edom (1 Chr. 1:44)
Zerah son of Simeon, grandson of Israel, great,grandson of Isaac (Num. 26:13)
Zerah son of Jacob and Tamar, grandson of Jacob (Num. 26:20)
Zerah father of Jeaterai, son of Iddo, of the tribe of Levi (1 Chr. 6:21)
Zerah father of Ethni, son of Adaiah, of the tribe of Levi (1 Chr. 6:41)
Zerah the Ethiopian leader who fought against King Asa (2 Chr. 14:9)
Zerah Colburn child prodigy "mental calculator"