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Famous People Named Keyvan

This name is not a variation of Kevin. It is a Persian name meaning "Saturn".
Keyvan Shahbazi Dutch,Iranian cultural psychologist and publicist.
Keyvan Ansari an Iranian student leader and political activist
Keyvan Eliasieh bar,candidate, criminal rights activist, and prominent disc jockey
Kayvon Fatahalian an American computer graphics researcher and Professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University.
Keyvan Jenkins American footballer
Kayvan Mirhadi Iranian composer
Kayvan Mirhadi Iranian composer
Kayvan Shahrokni Canadian athlete
Kayvan Najarian Iranian scientist
Keyvan Nourhaghighi Senior Iranian Air Force Officer. Holding "Major" rank, officially called Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi, is Fighter Pilot of F,86, F,5 and F,4; the Human Rights activist, writer and translator
Kayvan Novak a British Iranian television actor
Adrian Kayvan Pasdar an American actor and film director
Keywan Riahi Austrian Scientist at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Kayvon Zahedi Canadian ac
Keivan Shahabi an American attorney