Saoirse Casey
Irish singer; daughter of singer Paddy Casey
Saoirse Roisin Hill
daughter of Courtney Kennedy Hill; granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy
Saoirse Reign Carter
daughter of singer Nick Carter
pen name of Ramona Lofton, American novelist and poet
Sapphire Elia
English actress
ring name of Juanita Wright, American pro wrestler
according to the Acts of the Apostles chapter 5, a member of the early Christian church in Jerusalem with her husband Ananias, who died sudden deaths after lying to the Holy Spirit about money
Sapphira Sellheim
Moss (b. 2011), daughter of author, filmmaker and TV personality Tara Moss
Waldo Lonsbury Semon
American inventor
Waldo of Reichenau
Frankish abbot and bishop
Waldo Porter Johnson
U.S. Senator from Missouri
Waldo David Frank
American novelist
Waldo de los Ríos
Argentine composer
Waldo Miller Salt
American screenwriter
Ralph Waldo Emerson
American author
Ralph Waldo Ellison
American novelist