Hamilton Masakadza
Zimbabwean cricketer
Hamilton Fish
26th US Secretary of State
Hamilton Camp
English,American singer, songwriter, actor and voice actor
Hamilton Othanel Smith
American microbiologist; winner of the Nobel Prize
Hamilton Luton Luske
American Disney animator and film director
Hamilton Green
4th Prime Minister of Guyana
(Hamilton) Lavity Stoutt
Chief Minister of the British Virgin Islands
Hamilton Frederick Bohannon
American disco bandleader
(Hamilton) Nash Grier
American YouTuber
(Herbert) Hamilton Harty
Irish composer
(William) Hamilton McWhorter Jordan
8th White House Chief of Staff
Hámilton Ricard
Colombian footballer
Hamilton Sabot
French gymnast
James Hamilton McDonough
son of actor Neal McDonough
Alexander Hamilton
U.S. Revolutionary hero and first United States Secretary of the Treasury