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Amanee is a popular name commonly kept for girls. If you are a parent or soon-to-be parent of an adorable baby girl, Amanee can be a perfect name! The meaning of Amanee is 'hope', wishes', 'faith', 'belief', and 'aspirations'. Plural of 'Umniya', a Quranic term. It can be considered a variant of a popular Persian name Amani or Amaney, with the same meanings and pronunciation as 'ah-mae-knee'. Amanee, as a way to spell it, is different and unique, however, the name is very popular among girls across the Middle East. The alternative to Amanee is Amani, and is very well known, even for both genders all around the world. Amani Fancy is a famous figure skater from the United Kingdom. Amani Abeid Karume is a Zambian politician. Though many famous people are named Amani, it is slowly gaining fame across the United States, with the name being ranked 707th among popular names in 2019. If that is the case, will it not be cool to name your child a creative and unique version of it and spell it as 'Amanee'?! The child is bound to get attention and be remembered for such a beautiful and different-from-the-rest name!






A is for activities, for you have many.

M is for musical, your hidden talent!

A is for activities, for you have many.

N is for noble, your regal bearing.

E is for easy going, no ruffles here.

E is for extra, those little things you do!


Amanee lucky number is 3.

The number 3 has always held powerful symbolism. Think about good things coming in 3s, the birth-life-death cycle, the mind-body-soul connection, the 3 acts of a typical story. Wherever the number 3 shows up in your life, it's generally an omen of creativity, communication, optimism, and curiosity!