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The name Aniela is predominantly used in Poland and the meaning of Aniela is ‘an angel’ or ‘a messenger to God’. Its meaning is derived from the name Aniela, which is the Polish form of the name Angela. This is taken from the Russian word Ангела (Angelus) meaning an 'angel'. An angel is a spiritual being, whose mission is to protect and guide humanity. They are represented as being messengers for God and are known for their grace and mercy. There are many variations to this name such as Ani, Anka, Neli, Annette, Annie, Annika, Annuska, Anouk, Ans and Antje.








A is for admirable, you certainly are!

N is for name, a pleasant one indeed.

I is for ideas, that you bring to life.

E is for eternal, your spirit will live.

L is for luxury, the luxury of your smile.

A is for accomplished, in all that you do.


Aniela lucky number is 6.

Number 6 is recognized for its nurturing, supportive, and empathic nature. A true healer, 6 has the ability to problem solve in both the emotional and physical realms, helping others through its straightforward, yet gentle, approach. 6 has a strong sense of responsibility and cares deeply for its friends, family, and lovers.

Famous People Named Aniela

  • Aniela Gumbs American actress
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