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Greek in origin, the meaning of Beranice is 'victory bringer'. The name Beranice is a spelling variation of Bernice. It is a unique female name. Both for adults and kids, the surname Beranice is uncommon. When pronounced, Beranice sounds similar to Berenis and Berenise. Other suggested names with similar sounds are Alanice, Arnice, Beatie, Beatrice, and Beeatrice. The name Berenice means 'one who brings success' or 'bringer of historic win' in Greek. Both the second wife and the two granddaughters of King Ptolemy I of Egypt bore the name Berenice. People with this name excel in treating people with consideration and honesty. They can handle difficulties as long as extremes are avoided because they are inherently adaptable. They carefully consider every detail before acting, or their ideas will fall flat. They radiate a laid-back sexiness. They enjoy being adored and loved. They are happy to accept gifts as a sign of their loved one's affection. They appreciate being petted and know how to value their lover. They are reserved in their displays of devotion and special love and will hold off on doing anything unless they are completely satisfied. They need to experience fresh feelings and interactions. 






B is for beloved, as you are to many.

E is for elegant, born within you.

R is for radiant, it’s your personality!

A is for activities, for you have many.

N is for natural, the genuine side of you.

I is for ideals, no higher!

C is for confident, no doubts here!

E is for extra, those little things you do!


Beranice lucky number is 3.

The number 3 has always held powerful symbolism. Think about good things coming in 3s, the birth-life-death cycle, the mind-body-soul connection, the 3 acts of a typical story. Wherever the number 3 shows up in your life, it's generally an omen of creativity, communication, optimism, and curiosity!