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The name Calendula originates in Latin, and it’s usually given as a feminine name. The meaning of Calendula is ‘little months’, ‘the first of the month’, ‘little clock’, ‘little calendar’, or ‘little weather glass'. It is a Latin diminutive of the word ‘calendae’. 
Calendula is the botanical name of the English marigold, which originates from the plural form of the Latin word, Calends. Calends signifies the first of the month as the marigold blooms at the start of most months throughout the year. It is one of the widespread nature names given to females. It is indeed a romantic and extravagant name and is often used in English-speaking countries despite originating from Latin. Although it is a common nature-based name, it is not very popular given first name and surname. Spelling variations of Calendula include Calendola and Calendae.




little months


Flower name, from Latin


C is for captive, your web of charm.

A is for advantage, for you are blessed with many.

L is for laughter, you spread wherever you go.

E is for expressive, not one to hold within.

N is for neatness, your orderly way.

D is for desire, your thoughts do aspire.

U is for unite, you bring people together.

L is for laughter, you spread wherever you go.

A is for acquaintance, the many friends you know.


Calendula lucky number is 1.

1 symbolizes a pioneering spirit, independent nature, and innate leadership capabilities. On a bad day, 1 can be a bit bossy or boastful, hiding any insecurities behind over-developed self-importance. 1 must remember that although it is first, it can very quickly become the loneliest number. Even the most autonomous 1s need the support of their friends, family, and lovers.