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Crimson is a rare unisex color name used more frequently among baby girls.

The word "crimson" was derived from the name of the Kermes insect which produces the dye associated with the color. The insect name evolved from the Arabic word qermez, meaning "red."



Of course, this is a neutral name.


rich deep red


English color name


C is for cuddle, those intimate moments you cherish.

R is for rational, the way you think.

I is for inspire, others seek your guidance.

M is for musical, your hidden talent!

S is for sincere, a model of truth.

O is for openness, it’s refreshing!

N is for nice, need I say more?


Crimson lucky number is 1.

1 symbolizes a pioneering spirit, independent nature, and innate leadership capabilities. On a bad day, 1 can be a bit bossy or boastful, hiding any insecurities behind over-developed self-importance. 1 must remember that although it is first, it can very quickly become the loneliest number. Even the most autonomous 1s need the support of their friends, family, and lovers.