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Demosthenes is a masculine name with its roots in Greek origin. This name is derived from the Greek words 'demos', meaning 'people', and 'sthenos', meaning 'strength'. Thus, the name Demosthenes means 'vigor of the people', which means strength of the people. The name was first used by the great Greek orator and statesman of the fourth century BC. Demosthenes was also the middle name of a famous American film and television actor, George Demosthenes Savalas.






D is for delight, a surprise from within.

E is for exquisite, who could argue?

M is for mystery, the part of you that cannot be explained.

O is for openness, it’s refreshing!

S is for sensitive, another side shows.

T is for treasure, of your friendship.

H is for humble, a saintly quality.

E is for exquisite, who could argue?

N is for name, a pleasant one indeed.

E is for enjoy, your life can be fun!

S is for secret, that you can certainly keep.


Demosthenes lucky number is 1.

1 symbolizes a pioneering spirit, independent nature, and innate leadership capabilities. On a bad day, 1 can be a bit bossy or boastful, hiding any insecurities behind over-developed self-importance. 1 must remember that although it is first, it can very quickly become the loneliest number. Even the most autonomous 1s need the support of their friends, family, and lovers.