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Ellen is the English form of the Greek name Helen, also written as Hēlēnē. Helen came from the word 'hēlios', which is the Greek word for 'sun', so the meaning of Ellen is 'bright one'. In old Greek folklore, Helen was a woman who was known for her beauty. She was kidnapped by Paris, leading to the legendary Trojan War. As such, she is known as the lady whose face 'dispatched 1,000 boats'. In Christianity, the name is associated with Helena of Constantinople. She was the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine I, who was the first emperor to turn to Christianity. Helena is also credited with finding the 'Genuine Cross' (relics of the cross on which Christ was executed). Helen is well known for having the face that dispatched 1,000 boats, yet she likewise had a name that dispatched 1,000 varieties such as Ellen, Elena, Lena, Illiana and Eileen. It also had a number of diminutive, such as Nella, Nella, Ella, Nelli and of course, Ellen. Today, Ellen is most commonly found in Sweden, Ireland and Northern Ireland.




torch; shining light


English variation of Helen


E is for enrich, a quality you share.

L is for luster, your shine.

L is for lucky, who is more?

E is for easy going, no ruffles here.

N is for nice, need I say more?


Ellen lucky number is 3.

The number 3 has always held powerful symbolism. Think about good things coming in 3s, the birth-life-death cycle, the mind-body-soul connection, the 3 acts of a typical story. Wherever the number 3 shows up in your life, it's generally an omen of creativity, communication, optimism, and curiosity!

Famous People Named Ellen

  • (Alice) Ellen Terry English actress
  • Ellen Wong Canadian actress
  • Ellen Lee DeGeneres American comedian and TV host
  • Ellen Burstyn (born Edna Rae Gillooly) American actress
  • Ellen Kathleen Pompeo American actress
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Ellen in Pop Culture

  • Lionel Davenport Hit the Floor character
  • Nea Kivi protagonist of Merja Jalo's "Nea" book series
  • "Nea" song by Eija Kantola
  • Lei Nea aka Laney character in the Matched series
  • Ellen Rosen main character in "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry
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