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A name used by dark ages nobility in Carcassone, Belgium and Luxembourg has clunky charm and is definitely more attractive than Ermentrud or Ermengard.




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E is for endear, all those you touch.

R is for righteous, you know when you’re right.

M is for mild, your mild and gentle way.

E is for easy going, no ruffles here.

N is for name, a pleasant one indeed.

S is for sincere, a model of truth.

I is for inspire, others seek your guidance.

N is for nice, need I say more?

D is for dignity, no one disputes this trait!

E is for enrich, a quality you share.


Ermensinde lucky number is 7.

The detectives of numerology, 7 is known for its investigative abilities and analytical skills. Astrologically, the number 7 can be thought of as a blend of Virgo and Scorpio energy: 7 is extremely detail-oriented, but is driven by inner-wisdom as opposed to tangible realities.

Famous People Named Ermensinde

  • Ermesinde Countess of Luxembourg
  • Ermesinde of Luxembourg Countess of Namur
  • Ermesinde of Carcassonne Countess of Barcelona
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