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Gideon is a no-longer neglected Old Testament name, but still makes an excellent choice for parents looking to move beyond such overused biblicals as Benjamin and Jacob. In the Old Testament, Gideon was a judge called on by God to rescue the Jews from the Midianites, and the name was popular among the Puritans.

Gideon was given a spike by the short-lived TV series Gideon's Crossing, and has been heard more recently as a main character in Criminal Minds, as Molly Weasley's brother Gideon Prewett in the Harry Potter series, and as an anti-hero, Gideon Gordon Graves, in the Scott Pilgrim series.

The ubiquitous, in-every-hotel-room Gideon bibles were named because Gideon symbolizes great work done by few people.

Among the celebs who have chosen Gideon for their sons are Neil Patrick Harris and Ziggy Marley.




hewer; or, having a stump for a hand




G is for generous, your giving nature.

I is for ignite, the fire in you!

D is for dependable, on you I can rely.

E is for electric, a sparkling trait!

O is for orderly, a lifelong passion.

N is for nice, need I say more?


Gideon lucky number is 9.

The mission for 9 is to reach its highest state of consciousness, and to help others also achieve this spiritual awareness. 9 is not afraid to transform, and its malleable spirit inspires others to explore their own ranges of motion. Since 9, in many ways, has transcended the physical plane, it must constantly remember to anchor itself.

Famous People Named Gideon

  • Gideon Biblical judge
  • Gideon Emery British actor
  • Gideon Yago American MTV news anchor and writer
  • Gideon Lee Yu American businessman and football team owner
  • Gideon Hausner Israeli jurist and politician
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Gideon in Pop Culture

  • Gideon Prewett character in the Harry Potter series; brother to Molly Weasley
  • Gideon Pontipee character in musical "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"
  • Gideon Lightwood character in Cassandra Clare's "The Infernal Devices" trilogy
  • Gideon Reader character in the Shapeshifter series
  • Gideon character in "Will Grayson, Will Grayson' by John Green and David Levithan
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