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The name Gudrun is of Scandinavian origin. The meaning of Gudrun is 'god's secret lore'. This name is very popular in Iceland. The name derives its meaning from the Old Norse name Guðrún which means 'god's secret lore'. This comes from the Norse word elements 'guð' meaning 'god' and 'rūn' meaning 'rune' or 'secret lore'. In Norse mythology, Gudrun was the name of the wife of Sigurd, who after her husband's death went on a rampage to kill the perpetrator as revenge. There are many other variants to this name such as Guðrún and Guro.




god's rune; secret battle




G is for great, that describes you.

U is for unbreakable, your spirit is strong.

D is for dignity, no one disputes this trait!

R is for rational, the way you think.

U is for unique, your love of life.

N is for nice, need I say more?


Gudrun lucky number is 4.

In numerology, 4 has an earthy-energy and is centered around fortifying its roots. 4 adamantly believes in the physical world and knows that investing in a solid infrastructure is necessary for building a lasting legacy. Practical, hardworking, and responsible, the vibration of the number 4 is focused on creating logical systems that can support scalable growth.

Famous People Named Gudrun

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Gudrun in Pop Culture

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