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Heliodor is a name with a vivid meaning. Mineralists and gemmologists refer to pieces of the gemstone beryl, radiating with a yellow, chartreuse, or saffron tint, as Heliodor. Although unadulterated beryl seems devoid of color, imperfections inside the stone enable beryl to appear in a range of colors. Heliodor's yellowish stains are mainly due to the trace iron levels in the crystalline structure of the beryl. At the same time, the meaning of Heliodor translates from Greek as 'sun gift'. Heliodor, a brilliant light stone, exudes the tepidity and force of the sun. It also reflects the brilliance of a spirited mind. Because of its connection to the sun, Heliodor summons the cosmic ray of wisdom and learning in order to excite the superior intellect through improved brain function. Heliodor has been dubbed a divine stone and the door to Illumination. The name indicates dignity and selflessness and defines someone who makes logic-based judgments rather than based on emotions or reactions. Heliodor fosters characteristics such as boldness, self-reliance, mental and physical power, and compassion.




Gemstone name


H is for humble, a saintly quality.

E is for excite, your spirit is catching!

L is for lively, your life is full of energy!

I is for instill, the lesson of life.

O is for old fashioned, you cherish the past.

D is for discreet, you can keep a secret.

O is for outlook, pleasing to all.

R is for radiant, it’s your personality!


Heliodor lucky number is 5.

Free-thinking, adventurous, and progressive, 5 is defined by freedom. 5 needs to experience the world by engaging its five senses: For 5, life lessons are acquired through spontaneous acts of bravery. Akin to Sagittarius energy within astrology, 5 is known for its playful, impulsive, and vivacious spirit.