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The name Hideaki is of Japanese origin. The meaning of Hideaki translates to ‘the light which comes from the sun’, ‘moonlight and sunlight’, ‘intelligent’, ‘wisdom’, ‘bright’, ‘truth’. Other meanings of this name include ‘beauty’, ‘bright’, ‘excellent’, ‘fine’, ‘shining excellence’, ‘splending shine’, ‘clever’, ‘autumn’, ‘outstanding’, ‘bright’, ‘clear’, ‘wise’. Hideaki Kitajima is a Japanese soccer player who played for the national team. Japanese sportsman Hideaki Okubo won a silver medal at the 1996 Summer Olympics. Hideaki Tojo and Hideaki Yoshizawa are the names of characters in the 'Ace Of Diamond' manga.




excellent brightness




H is for heart, warm and loving.

I is for ideals, no higher!

D is for dream, your beacon ahead.

E is for exotic, no lack of spirit here!

A is for absolute, for you know your mind.

K is for kindness, you always show.

I is for instill, the lesson of life.


Hideaki lucky number is 2.

Within numerology, the 2 vibration assumes the role of the mediator, creating harmony by bringing together dissonant forces through compassion, empathy, and kindness. 2 is linked to psychic abilities and intuition, and if this number appears as a Life Path or Destiny Number, the individual will be astute to subtle energy shifts and emotional nuances. Because 2 is so sensitive, it is very conflict-averse, and can end up feeling under-appreciated or unacknowledged. 2 must avoid seeking external validation and, instead, realize that perfect equilibrium needed already exists within.