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The meaning of the name Hirsh is ‘deer’ or a ‘buck’. Few of the name variations are Hersch, Hirschel, Hirsch, Herschel, and Hirsche. A Canadian actor with this surname is David Julian Hirsh, who is a well-known face of 'Jupiter's Legacy'. Also an American content writer and actor is Joe Ando Hirsh. The name Hirsh was commonly used as a surname and it is said to be someone who was a herdsman. Hirsh surname has German origin. Some famous people with the surname are former Australian politician Carolyn Hirsh, special effects artist Ed Hirsh, Israeli composer Nurit Hirsh, and a Hasidic Rebbe Tzvi Hirsh of Zidichov.






H is for hardy, can’t keep you down!

I is for ideals, no higher!

R is for rely, everyone’s trustworthy friend.

S is for smile, it gives you face value.

H is for hardy, can’t keep you down!


Hirsh lucky number is 8.

8 is all about abundance. Within numerology, this number is linked to material wealth and financial success. Ambitious and goal-oriented, 8 can effortlessly assume leadership positions through its natural magnetism. 8 applies big-picture thinking to broaden its scope, racing up the top of any ladder to reach extraordinary heights.