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Johanna is a name that takes its roots from its German origins. It is traditionally chosen by parents for their daughters. Its meaning is quite spiritual and religious, as it means 'that the almighty is filled with grace and kindness'. The name Johanna is seen in the Holy Bible. It is said that Johanna was a lady whose injury was healed by Jesus Christ and due to the love she had for him, she became one of his most ardent followers and aided several of his disciples when they went for long pilgrimages. She is known as one of the twelve women who walked alongside Jesus in the Gospel of Luke and she was present to witness the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Japanese, the meaning of Johanna is 'God’s light' or 'the one who guides others to live a pious life'. There have been a number of famous figures with the name, like Johanna Braddy. She is an American actress known for her roles in horror films like 'Paranormal Activity Three' and 'The Grudge'.




God is gracious




J is for jewel, the sparkle in your eye.

O is for ornate, nothing plain here!

H is for heavenly, your spirit is strong.

A is for accord, the harmony you spread.

N is for neatness, your orderly way.

N is for noble, your regal bearing.

A is for accepting, your forgiving nature.


Johanna lucky number is 9.

The mission for 9 is to reach its highest state of consciousness, and to help others also achieve this spiritual awareness. 9 is not afraid to transform, and its malleable spirit inspires others to explore their own ranges of motion. Since 9, in many ways, has transcended the physical plane, it must constantly remember to anchor itself.

Famous People Named Johanna

  • Johanna Maria "Jenny" Lind Swedish opera singer
  • Johanna Charlotte Princess of Anhalt,Dessau; Margravine of Brandenburg,Schwedt; Abbess of Herford Abbey
  • Johanna Marina Eleonore Princess of Hesse and by Rhine, daughter of Georg Donatus, Hereditary Grand Duke of Hesse and Princess Cecilie of Greece and Denmark; niece of Britain's Prince Philip
  • Johanna Elizabeth Braddy American actress
  • Johanna von Trapp member of the Von Trapp Family Singers
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Johanna in Pop Culture

  • Johanna Barker character and song in "Sweeney Todd"
  • Johanna Mason character in the Hunger Games series
  • Johanna Reyes character in the Divergent series
  • Johanna Beckett character on TV's "Castle"
  • Johanna Petit character in webcomic "The Author's Apprentice"
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