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If you are considering choosing this name for your baby girl, the first thing you should know is that the name Kanya has roots in different countries and cultures, so its meaning will also be diverse. The origin of Kanya is spread across India, Thai, and Sanskrit.

Kanya is the zodiac sign for Virgo, making it the perfect name for babies that are born under this sign. In Hinduism, the meaning of Kanya is ‘girl’, and ‘maiden’. However, in Cambodia, Kanya means ‘a beautiful girl’ or ‘beauty’. The Thai meaning of Kanya is also ‘girl’. Alternative Sanskrit interpretations of Kanya are ‘younger’ and ‘daughter’.

From the various meanings, it is obvious that Kanya is a feminine name, and its Urdu roots mean it is commonly used by Hindus and Thai for baby girls. You will find many people bearing this name in India.








K is for kindness, you always show.

A is for absolute, for you know your mind.

N is for natural, the genuine side of you.

Y is for yearn, your innermost desires.

A is for affirm, the certainty of knowledge.


Kanya lucky number is 7.

The detectives of numerology, 7 is known for its investigative abilities and analytical skills. Astrologically, the number 7 can be thought of as a blend of Virgo and Scorpio energy: 7 is extremely detail-oriented, but is driven by inner-wisdom as opposed to tangible realities.