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The meaning of Maurice is ‘dark skinned’ and it is of French origin. Famous people named Maurice include Maurice Auguste Chevalier, a French actor and singer; Maurice Couve de Murville, the French Prime Minister; Maurice Ernest Gibb, the lead singer of English band the Bee Gees and Maurice ‘Rocket’ Richard, a Canadian ice hockey player.






English and French from Latin


M is for munificent, for you are extremely liberal in giving.

A is for agreeable, the best side of you!

U is for unbreakable, your spirit is strong.

R is for relax, you know how!

I is for ideas, that you bring to life.

C is for captive, your web of charm.

E is for excellence, your passion, your drive.


Maurice lucky number is 7.

The detectives of numerology, 7 is known for its investigative abilities and analytical skills. Astrologically, the number 7 can be thought of as a blend of Virgo and Scorpio energy: 7 is extremely detail-oriented, but is driven by inner-wisdom as opposed to tangible realities.