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The name Mercie is commonly a girl child name. It originates from the British, and the meaning of the name Mercie is ‘compassion, or ‘forbearance’. Also, the name is believed to have originated from Old French with the following meanings, 'mercy', 'clemency', 'wages', 'fee', and 'price'. However, there’s a record of the name being borne by a male: Antonin Mercie. He’s a French sculptor, medalist, and painter. Antonin Mercie was born in October 1845 in Toulouse, France, and died in Pari in December 1916. He was appointed professor of Drawing and Sculptureatn the Ecoles des Beaux-Arts, Paris. More so, he was awarded the Biennial Prize of the Institute of 800 in 1887. Antonin Mercie is popular in the United States for three monuments: the 1890 Robert E. Lee Equestrian Bronze, which stands on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia; the statue of Marquis de Lafayette in Lafayette Square, 1960; and the 1911 Francis Scott Key Monument in Baltimore, Maryland.






M is for mild, your mild and gentle way.

E is for elegant, born within you.

R is for reasonable, your understanding way.

C is for casual, no pretension here.

I is for instill, the lesson of life.

E is for electric, a sparkling trait!


Mercie lucky number is 8.

8 is all about abundance. Within numerology, this number is linked to material wealth and financial success. Ambitious and goal-oriented, 8 can effortlessly assume leadership positions through its natural magnetism. 8 applies big-picture thinking to broaden its scope, racing up the top of any ladder to reach extraordinary heights.