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The name Mila is of Slavic origin and it has been known to be used for both genders. The meaning of Mila is 'hard worker', 'industrious' or 'laborious' and it is used as a signifier of strength. The meaning changes when translated into Russian, as Mina means 'dear', ‘lovable’ or ‘gracious’. In the Spanish and Italian languages, Mila is used as a nickname for the name Milagros, which means ‘miracles’ or ‘favoured one’. Mila is also used as an affectionate nickname for many other Slavic names, such as Milan, Milica and Milena. Mila can also be interpreted as a shortened version of the Latin name Camilla, which means 'pure' or ‘an attendant of holy rituals’. Mila Kunis is a famous Ukrainian-American actress, known for her roles in ‘That 70s Show’ and ‘Black Swan’. Another famous actress with the name is Mila Jovovich. She is famous for her work as a supermodel, as well as her work in the 'Resident Evil' franchise. In 2004 she was the highest-paid model in the world.




gracious; dear


Slavic, Russian


M is for mighty, your inner strength.

I is for instill, the lesson of life.

L is for lively, your life is full of energy!

A is for absolute, for you know your mind.


Mila lucky number is 8.

8 is all about abundance. Within numerology, this number is linked to material wealth and financial success. Ambitious and goal-oriented, 8 can effortlessly assume leadership positions through its natural magnetism. 8 applies big-picture thinking to broaden its scope, racing up the top of any ladder to reach extraordinary heights.

Famous People Named Mila

  • Milena Markovna "Mila" Kunis Ukrainian,American actress
  • Milica "Mila" Mulroney Bosnian,born wife of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney
  • Mila J (born Jamila Aiko Aba Chilombo) American singer, rapper and dancer
  • Mila Frances Tupper Maynard American Unitarian minister and suffragist
  • Mila Gojsalić Croatian folk heroine
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Mila in Pop Culture

  • Mila Valentia character in video game "Skyrim"
  • Mila Babicheva character in anime "Yuri on Ice"
  • Melania "Mila" Borejko character in book series "Jezycjada" by Malgorzata Musierowicz
  • Mila 18 novel by Leon Uris
  • Mila main character in "Picture Me Gone" by Meg Rosoff
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