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Nathaniel was derived from the Hebrew name Netan’el, meaning “gift of God,” composed of the elements natan, meaning “to give,” and ’el, in reference to God. The name is featured several times in the Old and New Testaments, typically spelled Nathanael. In the New Testament, Nathanael is also known by his other name, Bartholomew.

Although Nathan is more popular, the more dignified Nathaniel dropped out of the Top 100 for the first time since 1977 in 2016. Despite the profusion of Nat names around, Nathaniel remains singularly appealing and distinctive, with several attractive nicknames — Nat, Natty and Nate.

A boy named Nathaniel would have any number of real life and literary namesakes to inspire him. These include Revolutionary General Nathanael Greene, enslaved rebel Nat Turner, writers Nathaniel Hawthorne and Nathanael (born Nathan) West, lithographer Nathaniel Currier, partner of Ives, and singer/pianist Nat "King" Cole.

An early literary character with the name is Sir Nathaniel in Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost. And then there was Natty Bumpo in James Fenimore Cooper's Leatherstocking Tales, Nathaniel Winkle in Dickens's The Pickwick Papers, and later Dr. Nathaniel Branden in Atlas Shrugged.

In the realm of pop culture, we find such Nathaniels as Nate Fisher in Six Feet Under, and others in The Wire, Gossip Girl and Enchanted, as well as Pirates of the Caribbean character Nathaniel Hawk.




gift of God




N is for nice, need I say more?

A is for advantage, for you are blessed with many.

T is for talent, hidden or not.

H is for honest, something you hold dear.

A is for accepting, your forgiving nature.

N is for name, a pleasant one indeed.

I is for interest, you show in others.

E is for easy going, no ruffles here.

L is for listen, one of your best traits.


Nathaniel lucky number is 3.

The number 3 has always held powerful symbolism. Think about good things coming in 3s, the birth-life-death cycle, the mind-body-soul connection, the 3 acts of a typical story. Wherever the number 3 shows up in your life, it's generally an omen of creativity, communication, optimism, and curiosity!

Famous People Named Nathaniel

  • Roxanna June Canadian model
  • Roxanna Panufnik British composer
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne American novelist
  • Nathaniel Parker Willis American author, poet, and editor
  • Nathaniel Joseph "Nate" Ruess American singer
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Nathaniel in Pop Culture

  • Nathaniel "Nate" Fitzwilliam Archibald main character in the "Gossip Girl" series
  • Nathaniel "Nate" Gray character in the "Infernal Devices" series
  • Nathaniel "Nate" Heywood character in DC's Legends of Tomorrow TV series
  • Nathaniel Pietro Barton from Marvel's Age of Ultron
  • Nathaniel Fisher character on TV's "Six Feet Under"
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