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Rajah is a common name for boys, which has a few possible meanings and origins. It is originally a name derived from the Sanskrit language and meaning of Rajah is ‘king’ or ‘ruler’. Rajah is a derivative of the name ‘Rajan’ and is very popular in the Hindu community. It is a princely title that is generally used to refer to a ‘prince’, ‘chief’, or ‘supreme leader’. Some variants of this masculine name include Rajesh, Raju, and Raj. So if you want to honor your little prince by blessing him with a powerful name that represents rich cultural heritage, you can pick the name Rajah!




prince, chief




R is for reasonable, your understanding way.

A is for able, for you surely are.

J is for jewel, the sparkle in your eye.

A is for amenable, for your easy going nature.

H is for heavenly, your spirit is strong.


Rajah lucky number is 2.

Within numerology, the 2 vibration assumes the role of the mediator, creating harmony by bringing together dissonant forces through compassion, empathy, and kindness. 2 is linked to psychic abilities and intuition, and if this number appears as a Life Path or Destiny Number, the individual will be astute to subtle energy shifts and emotional nuances. Because 2 is so sensitive, it is very conflict-averse, and can end up feeling under-appreciated or unacknowledged. 2 must avoid seeking external validation and, instead, realize that perfect equilibrium needed already exists within.

Rajah in Pop Culture

  • Rajah tiger owned by Jasmine in Disney's "Aladdin"
  • Rajah aka Kabir Mahadevu character in Marvel Comics
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