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The name Ramses is of Egyptian origin, and the meaning of Ramses is 'begotten by the sun god Ra'. The name was shared by several kings in Ancient Egypt, including Ramses II, known as Ramses the Great. Famous people named Ramses include Ramses Barden (American NFL football player). When spelled as Ramesses, it is used to refer to the Egyptian pharaohs. It was also a nickname of a character in the 'Amelia Peabody' series of mystery novels.




son of God




R is for relish, you seek a challenge.

A is for able, for you surely are.

M is for mystery, the part of you that cannot be explained.

S is for secret, that you can certainly keep.

E is for endear, all those you touch.

S is for scholar, the brilliant in you.


Ramses lucky number is 3.

The number 3 has always held powerful symbolism. Think about good things coming in 3s, the birth-life-death cycle, the mind-body-soul connection, the 3 acts of a typical story. Wherever the number 3 shows up in your life, it's generally an omen of creativity, communication, optimism, and curiosity!

Famous People Named Ramses

  • Zella Day American singer
  • Zella Allen Dixson American author and librarian
  • Zella Jackson Price American gospel singer
  • Ramses Barden American NFL football player
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