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Rosewood is an uncommon baby name. This name is most commonly given to male children. However, it can be considered gender neutral as well. This name originates from English and the meaning of Rosewood is 'rose wood'. Rose wood is known for the warm and rose-y color of its timber. 
People name their children rosewood for many reasons. It is a common belief that children named rosewood grow up to become beautiful and love the nature. Since this name is not very common, it is tough to come by famous people whose first names are Rosewood. However, Rosewood is much more prevalent as a last name!




rose wood




R is for radiant, it’s your personality!

O is for old fashioned, you cherish the past.

S is for sincere, a model of truth.

E is for exquisite, who could argue?

W is for wanderlust, travel is near!

O is for openness, it’s refreshing!

O is for old fashioned, you cherish the past.

D is for delight, a surprise from within.


Rosewood lucky number is 6.

Number 6 is recognized for its nurturing, supportive, and empathic nature. A true healer, 6 has the ability to problem solve in both the emotional and physical realms, helping others through its straightforward, yet gentle, approach. 6 has a strong sense of responsibility and cares deeply for its friends, family, and lovers.