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Ruedi is a name usually given to a baby boy. The meaning of Ruedi is 'famus wolf'. This name has a of German origin. It is a diminutive form of Rudolph and Rudolphe. The correct pronunciation of this name is - ru(e)-di. But Ruedi can also be used as a surname, and in that case, it becomes gender-neutral. It is said that the first trace of the Ruedi family in the USA can be traced back to 1880, with most of them established in Missouri. It is said that people with this name tend to be expressive, extremely outgoing, fun-loving, and career-focused. It is said that people with this name tend to be expressive, extremely outgoing, fun-loving, and career-focused. Some of the famous personalities with Ruedi's name are - Ruedi Wild - a well-known Swiss triathlete; Ruedi Aebersold - a Swiss biologist; Carl Rüedi - a Swiss pulmonologist; Ruedi Walter - a Swiss comedian. But there are more. You'll find this name is more prevalent in Switzerland, with 631 of them between 1912 - 2019. But it can also be found in Germany and USA. Other variants of Ruedi's parents can go for are - Rodolf, Rolf, Rudolf, Rudolph, Rudi, and Rudolphe.






R is for relish, you seek a challenge.

U is for upstanding, your inner-self.

E is for exquisite, who could argue?

D is for desire, your thoughts do aspire.

I is for inspire, others seek your guidance.


Ruedi lucky number is 3.

The number 3 has always held powerful symbolism. Think about good things coming in 3s, the birth-life-death cycle, the mind-body-soul connection, the 3 acts of a typical story. Wherever the number 3 shows up in your life, it's generally an omen of creativity, communication, optimism, and curiosity!

Famous People Named Ruedi

  • Rudolf "Ruedi" Aebersold Swiss biologist
  • Ruedi Lustenberger President of the Swiss National Council
  • Ruedi Wild Swiss Olympic triathlete
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