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The name Sahira is a Muslim girl name, and the meaning of this name is Sorceress. The name Sahira originated from Arabic with several Islamic meanings. This name has many nicknames with similar pronunciations, such as Saahirah, Sahara, Sahereh, and Sahirah. The meaning of Sahira is 'moon'. It also means 'wakeful, unsleeping and alert'. Also, the name Sahira means spring or fountain of water that flows year-round. This name is derived from the roots of the word Sahr which means Mesmerising. Sahira named person is one with the qualities of leadership, ambition, and also dynamic in decision making. The name might sound familiar to the viewers of the BBC medical drama series 'Holby City' where there is a character called Sahira Shah. Famous personalities bearing the name are Pakistani actress Sahira Kazmi and Afghani politician Sahira Sharif.






S is for sweetheart, you really are!

A is for admirable, you certainly are!

H is for humble, a saintly quality.

I is for inspire, others seek your guidance.

R is for relax, you know how!

A is for accepting, your forgiving nature.


Sahira lucky number is 2.

Within numerology, the 2 vibration assumes the role of the mediator, creating harmony by bringing together dissonant forces through compassion, empathy, and kindness. 2 is linked to psychic abilities and intuition, and if this number appears as a Life Path or Destiny Number, the individual will be astute to subtle energy shifts and emotional nuances. Because 2 is so sensitive, it is very conflict-averse, and can end up feeling under-appreciated or unacknowledged. 2 must avoid seeking external validation and, instead, realize that perfect equilibrium needed already exists within.