The anime and manga series, 'Saki', revolves around the story of a young girl being introduced to mahjong and her love for the game. Saki is a Japanese name. The meaning of Saki comes from its elements ‘sa’, meaning ‘blossom’ and ‘ki’, meaning ‘hope’. Saki translates to ‘a blossom of hope’ and ‘blooming of hope’. Oroku Saki, also known by the name Shredder, was one of the villains in the stories of the 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'.
hope blossom
S is for scholar, the brilliant in you.
A is for able, for you surely are.
K is for keen, your sense of honesty.
I is for interest, you show in others.
Saki lucky number is 4.
In numerology, 4 has an earthy-energy and is centered around fortifying its roots. 4 adamantly believes in the physical world and knows that investing in a solid infrastructure is necessary for building a lasting legacy. Practical, hardworking, and responsible, the vibration of the number 4 is focused on creating logical systems that can support scalable growth.