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The meaning of Sappho is ‘sapphire' in Ancient Greek. Sappho is traditionally a girl name with Greek origins. This was the name of a poetess from the seventh century BC. Babies with the name Sappho are upbeat, inspiring, outgoing, and expressive. People perceive them as cheerful, positive, and charming; their personality has a certain bounce and verve that affects others so powerfully that they can inspire people without even trying. Their verbal abilities may lead them to careers in writing, comedy, theatre, and music. They enjoy learning, studying, and gaining insight. They value their mental gifts, which they use to great advantage in unraveling life's mysteries. Sappho-named people delve beneath the surface of things. After grasping the facts of a subject, their creativity and abstract approach elevates their thinking beyond the rudimentary to the philosophical. They are lively individuals. People with the name Sappho have the ability to attract, influence, and inspire others. They are frequently seen wearing functional clothing that can be worn for both day and night-time events. They exude a sense of possibility that draws to their cause. They bring new and original ideas to social gatherings. Their conversation is often peppered with irony and wit. They have a quick wit and a lot of charisma. They are most likely excellent salespeople. They have a lot of nervous energy that is looking for an outlet. People-named girls enjoy their freedom and view life as an ongoing adventure.






Ancient Greek


S is for strength, there when needed.

A is for able, for you surely are.

P is for pioneer, your adventuresome spirit.

P is for patience, the best of you!

H is for heavenly, your spirit is strong.

O is for old fashioned, you cherish the past.


Sappho lucky number is 3.

The number 3 has always held powerful symbolism. Think about good things coming in 3s, the birth-life-death cycle, the mind-body-soul connection, the 3 acts of a typical story. Wherever the number 3 shows up in your life, it's generally an omen of creativity, communication, optimism, and curiosity!

Famous People Named Sappho

  • Angelo Dundee American boxing trainer
  • Sappho ancient Greek poet
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