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Tiana gained a lot of popularity after Disney bestowed this pretty name upon its first African-American princess. Although it has declined in usage over recent years, Tiana’s connections to dainty Tatiana, Christiana and Bastiana should see it in continued usage for a while to come. Read more about Tiana and other Disney Princess Names in our featured blog.




fairy queen




T is for traditional, somewhat old fashioned.

I is for impress, for impress you will.

A is for accepting, your forgiving nature.

N is for noble, your regal bearing.

A is for amenable, for your easy going nature.


Tiana lucky number is 9.

The mission for 9 is to reach its highest state of consciousness, and to help others also achieve this spiritual awareness. 9 is not afraid to transform, and its malleable spirit inspires others to explore their own ranges of motion. Since 9, in many ways, has transcended the physical plane, it must constantly remember to anchor itself.

Famous People Named Tiana

  • Tiana Opium Benjamin English actress
  • Tiana Rogers Cherokee daughter of Captain John Rogers and wife of Sam Houston
  • Tiana Ringer American pro wrestler
  • Tiana Xiao Chinese,American J,pop singer
  • Tiana Lemnitz German soprano
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Tiana in Pop Culture

  • Tiana main character in Disney's "The Princess and the Frog"
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