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Tobias is a Greek name, which is derived from the Hebrew name ‘Toviyah’, which translates to ‘the Lord Almighty is good’. Toviyah is derived from its elements ‘tov’ which means ‘good’ and ‘yah’, representing ‘Yahweh’, ‘God’. The meaning of Tobias is thus ‘God is good’, ‘Yahweh is good’. The story of Tobias and the angel is widely told among the followers of Abrahamic religions. Asmodeus was an evil demon who abducted and killed every husband of a young woman by the name of Sarah who lived in Media. Tobit, the blind father of Tobias, sent his son to Media to collect some deposited money. Angel Raphael, disguised as a human, accompanies Tobias and his dog on this journey. On their way, a fish tries to swallow Tobias’ feet, and on the angel’s advice, Tobias catches it and removes its heart, liver and other internal organs. Once Tobias reached Media, he marries the beautiful Sarah. Raphael instructed Tobias to burn the fish’s heart and liver, which drove the demon away, and the angel followed and captured the demon. The fish’s gallbladder was later used in curing Tobit’s blindness as well.




God is good


Greek from Hebrew


T is for treasure, that of your friendship.

O is for orderly, a lifelong passion.

B is for blossom, a renewal of your spirit.

I is for ideas, that you bring to life.

A is for altruism, the unselfish you.

S is for success, in all you will do.


Tobias lucky number is 3.

The number 3 has always held powerful symbolism. Think about good things coming in 3s, the birth-life-death cycle, the mind-body-soul connection, the 3 acts of a typical story. Wherever the number 3 shows up in your life, it's generally an omen of creativity, communication, optimism, and curiosity!

Famous People Named Tobias

  • Tobias Jonathan Ansell Wolff American novelist
  • Tobias George Smollett Scottish novelist and poet
  • Tobias Vincent "Tobey" Maguire American actor
  • Tobias John Harris American basketball player
  • Tobias Matthew English Archbishop of York
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Tobias in Pop Culture

  • Tobias Wilson fictional character on the animated show "The Amazing World of Gumball"
  • Tobias Fornell FBI agent that helps with cases on "NCIS"; Gibbs' friend
  • Tobias "Four" Eaton character in the Divergent trilogy
  • Tobias Funke character on TV's "Arrested Development"
  • Tobias "Toby" Ziegler character on TV's "The West Wing"
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