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Toman is a masculine name that is derived from Czech. The meaning of Toman is related to the surname of Tomasz, which simply means ‘son of Tomasz’. The English variant of Toman is Thomas. This name was first discovered in Bohemia as Thomas, which had many variations in different regions of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, and Poland. The Toman family was first recorded in 1460, and since then, the name Toman has been used worldwide. However, the name is only used in a few countries, such as Czechia, Iraq, the United States, Slovakia, Poland, Turkey, Palestine, England, and Egypt. Common alternatives of this name are Tomek, Toman, Tuma, Tomas, Tomes, Toms, Tomicki, Tomasso, Tomasina, Toman, Tomasina, Tomas, Toinette, Todos, and so on. Some basic features of boys with this name are that they are always focused on their goals and make successful careers. They also have charismatic personalities. They have an inquisitive and jovial nature. They are always willing to help others and support their companions.






T is for thoughtful, the caring you.

O is for outlook, pleasing to all.

M is for melody, the song of life.

A is for accepting, your forgiving nature.

N is for nice, need I say more?


Toman lucky number is 9.

The mission for 9 is to reach its highest state of consciousness, and to help others also achieve this spiritual awareness. 9 is not afraid to transform, and its malleable spirit inspires others to explore their own ranges of motion. Since 9, in many ways, has transcended the physical plane, it must constantly remember to anchor itself.