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Winiata is considered to be a unique name. The origin of this name can be traced to Maori. The Maori are the indigenous Polynesians of New Zealand. The name Winiata is a Maori version of the English surname Wynyard. Wynyard is a place-derived surname, an urban locality in Sydney, Australia. Wynyard is used for describing someone when he or she is a bit of a coward. It is used as a kind of slang. The name does not have a proper meaning, but the meaning of Winiata is often related to the meaning of Wynyard which is 'cowardly'. The name Winiata is rare. This name is mainly used as a surname in New Zealand and Australia. There are many famous people in New Zealand with this name as a surname. Some of them are Maharaia Winiata, a New Zealand tribal leader, teacher, and anthropologist; Selica Winiata, a rugby union player from New Zealand; and Whatarangi Winiata, a New Zealand accountant, academic, and Māori leader. There is even a railway station by this name in New Zealand.




Maori surname


W is for wanderlust, travel is near!

I is for ideas, that you bring to life.

N is for nice, need I say more?

I is for ignite, the fire in you!

A is for accepting, your forgiving nature.

T is for treasure, that of your friendship.

A is for able, for you surely are.


Winiata lucky number is 5.

Free-thinking, adventurous, and progressive, 5 is defined by freedom. 5 needs to experience the world by engaging its five senses: For 5, life lessons are acquired through spontaneous acts of bravery. Akin to Sagittarius energy within astrology, 5 is known for its playful, impulsive, and vivacious spirit.