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A fancy TV western name that didn't catch on like fellow cowboys Luke and Josh, but definitely has a certain amount of charm. It is also spelled Yancy, as in the 1950s series Yancy Derringer. It was first spotted in the Edna Ferber novel Cimarron, which became a popular movie.






Native American


Y is for yearn, your innermost desires.

A is for absolute, for you know your mind.

N is for noble, your regal bearing.

C is for compassion, your finest side.

E is for elate, you make others happy.

Y is for yearn, your innermost desires.


Yancey lucky number is 1.

1 symbolizes a pioneering spirit, independent nature, and innate leadership capabilities. On a bad day, 1 can be a bit bossy or boastful, hiding any insecurities behind over-developed self-importance. 1 must remember that although it is first, it can very quickly become the loneliest number. Even the most autonomous 1s need the support of their friends, family, and lovers.

Famous People Named Yancey

  • Yancey Dirk Thigpen American football player
  • Yancey Arias American actor
  • (John) Yancey McGill; American politician; 90th Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina
  • Rick Yancey American novelist
  • John Derek Yancey aka Illa J American rapper
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Yancey in Pop Culture

  • Yancey Bates the kindly antique dealer in Elizabeth Enright's "The Sea Is All Around"
  • Douglas Yancey "Doug" Funnie main character on animated series "Doug"
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