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Yanina is a mesmerizing name, and the meaning of Yanina is decent people with a feeling of righteousness. The name 'Yana' is considered an alternative to Yanina and is deemed to have a connection with the word Joanna, a Bulgarian and Russian name. The roots of its origin can also be found in Hebrew. People who are named Yanina are known to be righteous, love to rationalize things, and are known to be truthful. They also firmly believe in equivalence. 
Furthermore, the name has been around since ancient times, and the evidence of its birth is in ancient Greek, where the name was born out of the word Yehochanan, which stands for 'graced by Yahweh', or 'God is gracious'. However, the name has undergone several modifications since its origin; it has altered many forms. Even though Yanina is mainly preferred as a feminine name, it also has a masculine form. Therefore, the name 'Jan' is called a masculine substitute for the name. In terms of the name's significance, it has been on the 2442th spot for being the most attractive name for girls.






Y is for youthful, your eternal look.

A is for altruism, the unselfish you.

N is for neatness, your orderly way.

I is for ideas, that you bring to life.

N is for noble, your regal bearing.

A is for affirm, the certainty of knowledge.


Yanina lucky number is 1.

1 symbolizes a pioneering spirit, independent nature, and innate leadership capabilities. On a bad day, 1 can be a bit bossy or boastful, hiding any insecurities behind over-developed self-importance. 1 must remember that although it is first, it can very quickly become the loneliest number. Even the most autonomous 1s need the support of their friends, family, and lovers.

Yanina in Pop Culture

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