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Idris in Pop Culture

Idris Gawr giant and astronomer in Welsh mythology
Idris the shadowhunter capital in The Mortal Instruments series
Idris humanoid body that housed the TARDIS on TV's "Doctor Who"
Idris dragon in British animated series "Ivor the Engine"
Idris character in Mary Shelley's "The Last Man"
Idris Williams character on Welsh TV series "Hinterland"
Cadair Idris the 'Chair of Idris', mountain in Gwynedd, Wales where Idris Gawr studied the stars
Ancient Welsh name derived from *iudd meaning 'lord' (an obsolete element also found in Gruffudd/Griffith), and ris, 'ardent, impulsive' (same as Rhys). It was revived in the mid,19th century and used very regularly until the 1920s, but infrequent thereafter.