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Amalie in Pop Culture

Ariadne daughter of King Minos of Crete who helped Theseus escape the Minotaur; wife of Dionysus in Greek mythology
Ariadne character in 2010 film 'Inception'
Ariadne Oliver character in Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot series
Lady Ariadne Utterword character in G. Bernard Shaw's play 'Heartbreak House' (1916)
Arya Stark character in George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" and "Game of Thrones" series
Arya Drottningu Elven princess in Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle
Game of Thrones pronunciation: "ARE yuh." Author George R.R. Martin himself has pointed out that a surprisingly large number of people pronounce it incorrectly: it consists of two syllables, not three. Martin explained: "I say it 'Are,ya,' two syllables not three. Not 'are,ee,uh,' not like
Ariel Truax a character in the movie "Grumpy Old Men"
Ariel Schiller a character in "Starting Out in the Evening"
Ariel DuBois a character in the drama series "Medium"
Ariel Wolfe a character in "House on Haunted Hill"
Ariel Shuman from an episode of TV series "Cold Case"
Ariel a book of poetry by Sylvia Plath
Amalie Wolf protagonist of the book "Crow's Peak" by Sarah Marie Clausen
Princess Amalie character in the "Twelve Houses" books by Sharon Shinn
Pronounced: a MAY,lee,a in danish