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"The Passion of Artemisia" novel by Susan Vreeland
"L'Artemisia" opera composed by Francesco Cavalli
"Artemisia" (1634) painting by Rembrandt
Artemisia capital city of Luna, the moon colony from Marissa Meyer's 'Lunar Chronicles'
Artemisia a genus of plants that include wormwood and sagebrush
Mara aka Marzanna Slavic goddess of winter, death, and harvest
Mara Jade Skywalker character in the "Star Wars Extended Universe" series
Mara a goddess of love and compassion from "The Elder Scrolls" videogames
"Mara: Daughter of the Nile " novel by Eloise McGraw
Mara Jaffray a character on TV's "House of Anubis"
Mara antagonist of "The Clockwork Forest," by Doug Macleod
Mara Aramov character in the "Syphon Filter" video game series
Mara Wade character in 1965 movie "Mara of the Wilderness"
Mara Amrita Dyer title character in Michelle Hodkin's novel series
Mara one of seven Gods in David Eddings' series "The Belgariad"
Mara Carlyle main character in novel "Spontaneous" by Aaron Starmer
Mara is a genus of the cavy family of rodents
Mara a tempter figure in Buddhism