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Shari in Pop Culture

Phoenix Wright character in the "Ace Attorney" video games
Phoenix puppy In the "Left Behind: The Kids" series
Phoenix character in the "Beautiful Dead" series by Eden Maguire
Phineas T. Ratchet antagonist in the movie "Robots"
Capt. Phoebus de Chateaupers character in Victor Hugo's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"
Phoebus artist in Disraeli's Lothair (1870)
Phoebus Apollo a divine godhead, main character in "Mr Apollo: A Just Possible Story" (1908) by Ford Madox Ford
Phoebus Rainsford Daunt character in 'The Meaning of Night: A Confession' by Michael Cox
Shari character in the movie "Double Take"
Shari main character in animated movie "The Red Shoes"