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Too-Cool Baby Names

Maybe you can't be too rich or too thin, but if you're a baby name, it just may be possible to be too cool. A too-cool baby name runs the risk of overshadowing your child. How many children can live up to a name like Rambo or Hallelujah or Heathcliff?

Along with Hallelujah and Heathcliff, other too-cool names for babies include Dagger, Scorpio, Vanellope, Boo, Sativa, Marmaduke, Pirate, and Baby itself. Some too-cool names are literally too cool, such as Antarctica, Ice, Icelyn, and yes, Kool.

While the line of what constitutes a too-cool baby name seems to get redrawn every day, these choices will probably be on the wrong side of it for a long time to come. Browse our list of too-cool baby names below.