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Feminizations of Male Names

Feminizations are feminine variations of male names rather than unisex baby names: Alexandra not Alex, Charlotte not Charlie. You may be attracted to these baby names because you want to name a daughter after dad or grandpa but give her a distinctly feminine name. Or maybe you simply love the traditional feel of many of these classic baby girl names, which are rooted in tradition.

Along with Alexandra and Charlotte, other feminizations of male names in the US Top 200 include Emilia, Gabriella, Gianna, Josephine, Lucia, Samantha, Valentina, and Victoria. A number of feminizations are now considered mom — or even grandma — names, such as Paula, Christine, Nicole, and Carla.

There are many names you may not realize are feminizations because the feminine form is much more common than the male. Anastasia, for example, derives from the male name Anastasios, and Cecilia comes from Cecil. Below, explore our collection of feminizations of male names.